Posts Tagged: HiFi+Magazine

Tablette 10 Signature Wins HiFi+ Award


We’re delighted that ProAc has received the Editor’s Choice Award 2024 for the Tablette 10 Signature Speaker. The bumper special HiFi+ 25th anniversary issue is on sale now! @hifiplusglobal  #hifi #hifiplus #hifiplusmagazine #editorschoice #audiomagazine #hifimagazine #speakers #standmountspeakers #audio #design #speakerdesign #innovation #britishmanufacturing #handbuilt #handmadeuk #awards #proac #perfectlynatural

"The beauty of music and the joy and emotion it brings is so much more important than designs based on scientific measurements and statistics. Designing loudspeakers is an art, a gift of knowing when something is right – when the soundstage is portrayed, the speakers disappear, and you thrill to the music."

Stewart Tyler