
We can’t wait for the @bristolhifishow and we’re happy to say that ProAc will be present in three rooms…

We will be in our usual Room 216 with our majestic K3 speaker model alongside Exposure Electronics.

Also in the Exposure Room 212 there’ll be Response D20R’s in liquid amber and in the Auralic/Sugden Room 218 there’ll be the K1 with stands.

Don’t miss out and book your tickets here – 

@auralicltd @sugdenaudio @exposure_hifi

#bristolhifishow #bristolhifi #proacspeakers #highendaudio #hifishow #audioshow #hifinews #proac #perfectlynatural

"We have a great reputation for our entry level speakers sounding similar to our high-end speakers. This is because we get the balance correct between bass, midrange and high frequency to give that ProAc family sound."

Stewart Tyler